- All flashing is done at your own risk!
- While nothing from this thread should break your device, don't come back here blaming anyone if it does!
Team Win Recovery Project 3. x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch-driven user interface with no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML-driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and the ASUS ROG Phone 5

Unlock bootloader:
- Please backup your data, because unlocking the bootloader will erase the data in the internal memory of the device
- Install the unlock app from the Asus homepage: AsusUnlock_1.0.0.7_210127_fulldpi.apk
- Open the app and scroll down to tick accept the user agreement
- Then click on agree, type your password ASUS ROG Phone 5.
- The device will automatically reboot and show a warning, that you have successfully unlocked.
Installation instructions
Fastboot Install Method:
You will need the platform tools from the Android SDK on your computer. Find the Android command line tools section on the page linked and install the SDK tools package. From the SDK Manager, download only the platform tools to get adb and fastboot binaries.
Windows users will need proper drivers installed on their computers.
On your device, go into Settings -> About find the Build Number, and tap on it 7 times to enable developer settings. Press back go into Developer Options and enable USB debugging. From your computer, open a command prompt and type:
adb reboot bootloader
You should now be in fastboot mode.
Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your adb and fastboot binaries. Rename the image to twrp. img and type:
fastboot boot twrp.img
Now you are booted into TWRP, but it is NOT permanently installed. To install it permanently, use the “Flash current TWRP” option in the Advanced menu. This will install the currently booted TWRP permanently to both slots. NOTE: If you were previously rooted, you will need to re-install the root app/zip as the TWRP install will overwrite it!
Download Links
ROG Phone 5 (I005D):
ROG Phone 5S (I005DS):
Known issues
- USB-OTG not working
- Battery Status not working
Bug reporting
If you have an issue, the first step is to post a recovery log so we can determine the cause of the issue. This is done in recovery using Advanced -> Copy Log, or adb pull /tmp/recovery.log. Once a log is uploaded we can determine how best to proceed. NOTE: Posts that are reporting bugs or issues without an accompanying recovery log will be ignored! Additionally, providing details about your device setup, including variant, firmware version, and exact steps to reproduce your issue will also help diagnose the problem.
If your issue is determined to be a bug, please consider posting it to our GitHub issues log. It’s pretty much impossible for us to keep up with the more than 40 threads that we have for the devices that we “directly” support. If you have a significant problem that cannot be answered in this thread, your best bet is to contact us via our website. If you see someone that’s struggling, feel free to point it out to us. We need your help to help us keep track of all of our devices! Thanks!